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What Is the Role of the Coating Inspector?

The coating inspector is responsible for verifying that the coating or lining work performed by the supplied is in accordance with the speci...

The coating inspector is responsible for verifying that the coating or lining work performed by the supplied is in accordance with the specification and supplier procedure are required. The inspector must not only be familiar with the specifications and procedures, but he must have a working knowledge of the points of inspection and the various instruments that he must use to verify these points.

Who Is Responsible For The Coating Or Lining Specifications?
Coating or lining specifications are the responsibility of engineering. They have to determine what conditions the coating or lining will be exposed to and what material and systems are capable of providing adequate protection under these conditions. They are responsible for writing the specifications and including all the necessary requirements to assure the coating work, if done satisfactorily, will provide the necessary protection.

Who Is Responsible For Applying The Coating Or Lining Materials?
Usually the supplier (i.e. the painting contractor) is responsible for buying the coating and lining materials, preparing the surface, and mixing and applying the materials in accordance with the specification. The supplier generally has his own inspector to assure that the coating or lining work is done to specification requirements and that all procedures are being followed.

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