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How to estimate your API Test Score?

Waiting for the test results is “nerve-racking”! I’ve seen that API examinees do a poor job of estimating their final score. I’ve seen inspe...

Waiting for the test results is “nerve-racking”! I’ve seen that API examinees do a poor job of estimating their final score. I’ve seen inspectors unnecessarily worries and lose sleep only to find out that they score 92%. How about a reliable method for estimating your exam scores? This will lessen the fretting as you wait 8 weeks for your API results. The following is a proven method for estimating your score. Give it a try.

Estimate your score and be relaxed upto result.

How to estimate? Follow below given steps

1.      If you don’t know the answer to an exam question, you will place a specific mark in the left-hand margin of the test booklet. (Yes, you can mark the test booklets.)

The marking system is based on how many wrong answers you were able to eliminate for a specific question. Mark the exam questions as follows:
a.       No mark required – You knew that answer (Hopefully you’ll have lots of these!)
b.      “2” – Guessed between 2 answers. You were able to eliminate 2 wrong answers.
c.       “3” – Guessed between 3 answers. You were able to eliminate 1 wrong answer.
d.      “4” – Didn’t have a clue! You were not able to eliminate any answers.

2.      At the conclusion of each test booklet, count the exact number of “2’s”, “3’s”, and “4’s”. Record these numbers in a Code book or some paper that you will take out of the exam.
3.      Complete the following table.
a.       In the Total Number column, input the total # number of questions you marked for each row. For example if you had six questions where you didn’t have a clue which answer was correct (1 out of 4 guess), input 6 for the Total Number in the 1 out of 4 row.
b.      For each row, determine the Number Correct by multiplying your Total Number by the Probability.
c.       Add the 4 numbers in the Number Correct column to determine the Total Number Correct.
d.      Calculate your final score (in %). Final score = Total Number Correct / 1.5

                        Total Number    Probability   Number Correct
Knew Answer                                1.0
2 (1 out of 2)                                  0.5

3 (1 out of 3)                                 0.33

4 (1 out of 4)                                 0.25                                     

Total                            150                                                       

Final Score (%) = _________ / 1.5 = ________


Estimating your test score – An Example

Here’s an illustration of how to use this estimating method. Suppose during the API exam you marked test questions as follows:
a.       2’s (1 out of 2) – 32 questions
b.      3’s (1 out of 3) – 12 questions
c.       4’s (1 out of 4) – 6 questions
d.      Knows (knew the answer) – 100 questions. Determine this by subtracting Total Unknown from 150 (the total number of test questions).

                          Total Number     Probability    Number Correct 
Knew Answer             100              1.0                     100**

2 (1 out of 2)               32                0.5                      16

3 (1 out of 3)               12                0.33                     4

4 (1 out of 4)                  6               0.25                    1.5             

Total                            150                -----                121.5         
 ** You may want to reduce this number by 3-8 points. This will account for some “Red-Faced” mistakes.

Final Score (%) = 121.5 / 1.5 = 81%

An 81% - this is a good score! And there certainly is no need to worry about the test results for the next 8 weeks!

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