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ASME SEC. IX 2010 Edition

This ASME Section IX Welding and Brazing Qualifications contains rules relating to the qualification of welding and brazing procedures as re...

This ASME Section IX Welding and Brazing Qualifications contains rules relating to the qualification of welding and brazing procedures as required by other Code Sections for component manufacture. It also covers rules relating to the qualification and re-qualification of welders, brazers, and welding and brazing operators in order that they may perform welding or brazing as required by other Code Sections in the manufacture of components. Welding and brazing data in this ASME Section IX covers essential and nonessential variables specific to the welding or brazing process used.
  • Welding General Requirements
  • Weld Orientation
  • Test Positions for Groove Welds
  • Types and Purposes of Tests and Examinations
  • Tension Tests
  • Guided-Bend Tests
  • Notch-Toughness Tests
  • Fillet-Weld Tests
  • Other Tests and Examinations
  • Rounded Indication Charts
  • Welding Procedure Qualifications
  • Temper Bead Welding
  • Welding Performance Qualifications
  • Technique
  • Material Groupings
  • Numbers
  • Weld Metal Chemical Composition
  • Specimens
  • Graphics
  • Etching-Processes and Reagents
  • Definitions
  • Standard Welding Procedure Specifications (WPS)
  • Adoption of WPS
  • Use of WPS Without Discrete Demonstration
  • Forms
  • Production Use of WPS
  • Brazing
  • Brazing General Requirements
  • Braze Orientation
  • Test Positions for Lap, Butt, Scarf, or Rabbet Joints
  • Types and Purposes of Tests and Examinations
  • Tension Tests
  • Guided-Bend Tests
  • Peel Tests
  • Sectioning Tests and Workmanship Coupons
  • Brazing Procedure Qualifications
  • Preparation of Test Coupon
  • Brazing Variables
  • Brazing Performance Qualifications
  • Qualification Test Coupons
  • Retests and Renewal of Qualification
  • Brazing Variables for Brazers and Brazing Operators
  • Brazing Data
  • Variables
  • Technique
  • P-Numbers
  • F-Numbers
  • Specimens
  • Welding Graphics

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